Professional Quantity Surveying, Construction Project and Construction Management Practice
CCC provides the full range of traditional and specialist professional Quantity Surveying, Construction Management and Project Management Services on any type of project regardless of size and value, starting from inception, conceptualization and viability stages throughout the design development, documentation, procurement, construction up to final account and close-out stage.
- Receiving commission/instruction from the client and advising on various courses of action and procedures to suit the particular requirements of the project.
- Estimates and cost advice during all stages of the development of a project to enable the correct decisions with full awareness of their financial implications.
- Sophisticated techniques, extensive cost data banks with intimate knowledge of building and construction economics to provide reliable cost advice.
- Cost Analysis
- Property development advice.
- To enable a project meeting the functional dimensional and technological requirements for which it was designed, being aesthetically pleasing and meet the cost limits of the client’s budget.
- CCC is able to provide feasibility studies and viability analysis involving technical and/or economic investigations thereby enabling a client to decide whether, and in what form, to proceed.
- Cost Planning and cost advice to enables decisions on various design alternatives, with actual costs being constantly monitored against original budgets.
- Preliminary and detailed estimates of construction cost for budget purposes.
- Cost optimisation to calibrate project costs with the client’s budgeted parameters.
- Cash flow planning and control.
- Advice on tendering procedures and contractual arrangement to enable choice of appropriate form of contract for any given project taking cognizance of the nature of the project, the circumstances under which the work is to be carried out and the particular needs of the client.
- Advice clients on the most advantageous procurement methods available, including: Contracts incorporating bills of quantities, provisional bills of quantities and schedules of rates Lump Sum, Turnkey, Target Cost, etc.).
- Negotiated, lump-sum, managed and cost plus contracts, Package deals, turnkey offers, etc. While Bills of Quantities are generally regarded as the most economical and best method of obtaining a competitive price, the alternative methods and types of tender documentation available alternatives are carefully examined in consultation with other consultants before a final decision is made.
- Preparing documents for procurement of construction contracts
- Advice and Drafting of Bespoke Contracts.
- Advising on the selection of suitable contractors and/or sub-contractors.
- Calling for tenders or negotiating the construction cost with a contractor on behalf of the Client
Financially evaluating tenders, quotations, etc.
- Design and Control
- Construction Production Rates
- Work Breakdown Structures
- Advice on Program and Time Management
- Tender Programs, Construction Programs and Project Programs
- Construction Methodologies Advice
- Fast Track Construction
- Program/Project Execution Plans
- On Investment Properties.
- CMA’s, Comparative Market Analysis for Investments.
- Financial Structures and Agreements for Financing of Projects.
- Escalation Cost Advice.
- Foreign Currency Advice for Projects.
- Advice on Bonds and Securities.
- Principal agency, Project Management and Engineering Services.
- Construction Management Services.
- Examining and Verifying Pricing of Tender Documents including preparing same for Incorporation into the Signed Contract.
- Preparing the Procurement Documentation for Sub-Contracts.
- Cost management and cost control to maintain the financial interest of the client.
- Project Cash Flow Forecasts.
- Attending site meetings at regular intervals to suit the nature and size of the project in order to keep abreast with contractual matters affecting costs.
- Attending consultant co-ordination meetings and management meetings.
- Preparing monthly valuations for the issue of payment certificates.
- Preparing estimates of cost for proposed variations for client decision-making.
- Maintaining a running financial management statement and monitoring against the budget. Issuing project financial reports at regular intervals.
- Proceeding with the preparation of the final account.
- Adjudicating and resolving the financial and contractual aspects of claims between the client and the contractor (excluding services relating to mediation, arbitration and litigation).
- Comprehensive Cost report.
- Determining and agreeing all variations and adjustments for incorporation into the final account.
- Agreeing and finalizing all sub-contracts and adjusting against provisional sums and prime cost amounts.
- Concluding the final account including any necessary reconciliations and explanations against the financial budget.
- Close out reports.
- Green building technology.
- Tenant requirements and fit out.
- Valuation of existing buildings for rental return, capital gains tax etc.
- Assistance with the resolution and settlement of financial disputes, auditing and adjudication of claims, etc.
- Act in disputes, as conciliators, mediators and arbitrators in any forum, court or arbitration on construction disputes.
- Expert witness service in respect of litigation on matters concerning construction costs.
- Targeted Procurement.
- Tax Planning and advice.
- Advice on sessions.
- Termination of Contracts advice.
- Contract advice on JBCC suite, NEC 3, GCC and FIDIC suite of contracts.
- Advice and management of all Consultants/Professional Fees and Contracts
- ASSET & BUILDING CONSULTING, CCC enable the property owners to maximize their return during the economic lifetime of new and existing buildings.
- ASSET MANAGEMENT, CCC offers asset evaluation services for buildings and engineering services throughout the property life continuum. We enable our clients to make informed decisions about the acquisition of new facilities, optimization of existing and expedite the sales process for disposal.
- ASSET REGISTERS Asset registers can form the basis of asset planning, funding and tax depreciation. We are able to compile asset data into asset registers ranging from basic to highly detailed with a great deal of granularity including bar-coding.
- TECHNICAL DUE DILIGENCE, We undertake an independent building inspection that examines the condition based issues with a property at acquisition or divestment. Our service extends from a high-level report highlighting risk to detailed inspection and reporting providing a deeper understanding of a building’s quality and condition. Through the technical due diligence service our clients gain an understanding of the commercial constraints and opportunities, forecast capital and maintenance expenditure, and operational efficiency of the property.
- CONDITION ASSESSMENT AUDITS, CCC undertakes a comprehensive, building inspection to assess the current condition. We are able to capture elemental and story enclosure data which may include condition, backlog maintenance, compliance, risk, disability access. We are able to present the consolidated data that can be utilized for the preparation of maintenance and capital expenditure plans and budgets. We are also able to review the current maintenance regime and make recommendations to ensure compliance with best practice. This ensures our clients benefit from a comprehensive understanding of their building or property portfolio which enables asset management decisions.
- LIFE CYCLE COSTING, WHOLE OF LIFE COSTING AND LIFE CYCLE PLANNING, Based on our expertise in asset management and life cycle analysis, we have developed a specific understanding of the effective life, maintenance and cyclical replacement requirements of a broad range of buildings in varying locations, scale and use.
- Our analysis and recommendations result in an annualized plan for funding. This service can be performed following conclusion of construction works but also as a desktop assessment to support contract management assessments or broader business case /investment planning.
- Property and project reports and property maintenance schedules.
- Materials schedules required for the project.
- Project Management.
- Risk Management.
- Value Management.
- Client representation/partnering.
- Due diligence reports and forensic audits.
- Advice to banks and financial institutions on development proposals, valuations for release of progress payments etc.
- Full spectrum of service for small works/houses etc. to verify quotations received from contractors, construction management, payment advice and Dispute Resolution.
- Project Monitoring.
- Facilities audit, asset registers verifying rent able areas for tenant.
- Advice and assistance in establishing a construction concern.
- Advice on tendering strategies.
- Assistance with estimating builders quantities, pricing of tender documents, quotations.
- Construction Methodologies.
- Financial management of the contract.
- Preparation of progress payment claims, evaluating and pricing of variations and preparing final accounts etc. on behalf of established contracts as well as emerging Contractors.
- Dispute settlements.
- Technical advice and training.
- Joint Venture advice and assistance.